Game Summary: The world has been torn in two. On one side lies the Everfrees, a scrappy, young group of people fighting for their freedom On the other lies the Omega Legion, an endless army of robots seeking to rule over all. You play as an Everfree soldier that was separated from your platoon. You have to get to them, but they’re all the way across a bridge that divides you. As the Legion pushes in, you feel an incredible sense of rage and determination and sprint at the enemy robots near you, dodging and weaving through their forces to reach your comrades on the other side. The goal of the game is to reach the flag on the other side of the bridge, avoiding the Omega Legion’s robots along the way.
Game Outline: This game is a 2D auto-scroller that puts you as “The Berserker.” Despite the name, the only ability you have is to run and evade. You start on one side of a linear path and must evade through enemies as they come against you in your path. If you are able to make it to the end without dying, you must signify your victory by collecting the Everfree flag at the end of the level.
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